Jun 8, 2013


![Computex 2013](/assets/images/blog/image00009.jpg) Après 5 jours le Computex 2013 vient de fermer ses portes. Cette année encore aura été l'occasion de montrer que le marché mondial de l'électronique doit vraiment compter sur les innovations des centres de R&D Asiatiques. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques images du salon. ![Computex 2013](/assets/images/blog/image00011.jpg) ![Compute...

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May 30, 2013

Computex Time

![Computex 2013](/assets/images/blog/image00009.jpg) I'll be in Taipei (Taiwan) for the [Computex 2013](http://www.computextaipei.com.tw). This fair is the 2nd world's largest computer expo after the [CeBIT](/blog/tag/cebit) in Hanover (Germany). If you are around, send me an email or give me a phone call (phone : +8869 70 35 25 32). ;) >> Remiii ![Computex 2013](/assets/images/blog/image0...

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Mar 8, 2008


 Tags :  geek cebit germany hanover fair

CeBIT 2009. New Spinpoint Samsung HDD (Hard Disc Drives). OLPC (One Laptop per Child). Gnome is here. ;) UpNP player by Logitech. PVR. Tuner DVB-S2 by TechniSat. Car without driver. Nabaztag tag by Violet. GreenPeace. ...

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Mar 2, 2008

CeBIT Time

 Tags :  geek cebit germany hanover fair

I'll be in Hannover (Germany) for the CeBIT the 6/7 march. CeBIT (Centre of Office and Information technology) is the world's largest computer expo. If you are around, give me a phone call. ;) >> Remiii

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